The Royal Chronicles

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Zanahorias Son Mias Por Derecha
Carrots Are Mine By Right - Motto of Casa del Conejo

     As Crown Princess Royal of Our Realm, Defender of the Carrots, Plenipotentary of the Blueberry, and Producer of the Pellets, We decree it wise, just, and prudent to issue this Chronicle of Our Reign.   

 Further Parts shall be issued on a monthly basis, or as We see fit,whichever comes first.

     We further decree that, for the benefit of Our human subjects, We shall dispense with the Royal We (but We reserve the right to pick it back up again with a haughty foot flick at a moment's notice).  


Click on the links below to read each chapter of The Royal Chronicles.

1) La Primera Parte - 24 Julio 2004

2) La Segunda Parte - 27 Agosto 2004

3) La Tercera Parte - 30 Septiembre 2004

4) La Cuarte Parte - 25 Octubre 2004

5) La Quinto Parte - 24 Noviembre 2004

6) La Sexta Parte - 30 Diciembre 2004

7) La Septieme Parte - 31 Enero 2005

8) La Octava Parte - 4 Septiembre 2005

9)El Nueve Parte - 2 Octubre 2005

10) La Decima Parte - 1 Noviembre 2005

"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen." 
- John Steinbeck 

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