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24 Noviembre 2004

     At the end of last month I graciously sent a get-well card to His Grace, William. He was recovering from his surgery and I am happy to report that he is completely well. And now he is here! (Not that I am excited or anything!)

     The first half of the month was spent in anticipation of his coming (not excitement, just anticipation, mind you). The Duchess of Parsley got William's cage ready with all the things he needs until we actually move in together. My Chancellor of the Exchequer made travel arrangements for herself and for William, as she had kindly agreed to provide a Royal Escort for him as befits his station.

     It was a true measure of her affection for me that she was willing to go, after all she does not like flying in the least. Here is her account of her trip to bring William to my Kingdom:

     "I flew out of Tulsa, and after a brief layover in Cincinnati, arrived in Roanoke, VA. The Blue Hills were beautiful! I went to my hotel; and once settled in my room, I called Leslie to tell her where I was. She called back to say they were on their way, so I sat and waited with much anticipation. (Her Royal Highness forbade me to get excited.)

     "When they arrived, Leslie called from the parking lot to tell me that she could not find a parking place. I grabbed the royal carriage and went down to find her. (She was easy to find - a big blue pickup with ANGORA as its license plate!) William was riding in the front, and Leslie brought him out to introduce us. I thought he was very handsome and told him so. He was very sweet and relaxed in my arms. Leslie gave him a good-bye kiss, and I placed William in his carriage to return to my room.

     "I gave William food and water (which he immediately ate and drank, reassuring me that he was comfortable with his carriage). When I went to sleep, I covered him with a towel to be sure he did not get too cold. We had to rise very early (3:00 a.m. Eastern time!) to get to the airport for our early flight. I discovered that Duke William had eaten all the food I'd given him, so I gave him more. This, of course, reassured me that he was well and not too disturbed by the conditions being provided for his transport to the Principality of Conejo.

     "Everyone at the airport admired William greatly, from the woman at the check-in desk to the people at the security gate. William had to exit his carriage to cross through the gate with me, while his conveyance was examined for explosives. On the other side of the gate, he received many pettings from myself and the security people before returning to his carriage.

     "Our flights were largely uneventful. William handled the landings like the knightly champion he is. We again changed planes in Cincinnati, then went on to Tulsa. Gloria, met us just past the security gates and again, William greeted her with aplomb. The drive home was uneventful. William rested securely in his carriage, and once home was introduced to his new cage."

     That was ten days ago. Originally his Palacito was across the room from the Palacio Grande. We watched and wiggled noses at each other for a few days. It was very interesting to see him. (Not exciting!) He is quite a large rabbit, actually. He has uppy ears, but they have rather charming tufts on the ends. He has very fluffy sideburns which I must admit could be considered attractive in some quarters.

     After an appropriate length of time, William's Palacito was moved next door to the Palacio Grande. It was very nice to see him up close. Not at all exciting, of course, just nice to get a better look at him. My dear old retainer, Mr. Stuffy, went back and forth between us as an intermediary. He reported to me that William has impecable manners.

     Then, William began to actively court me while we were both perambulating the confines of our indoor playpen. At first, it was a bit strange to be with him. He is SO much bigger than I am, after all. But he is not clumsy, as he showed by his agile binkies and displays of masculine athleticism. Of course, my dear Duchess of Parsley was there in the role of Duena so nothing untoward was allowed.

     Two days ago we were given a lovely Royal Wedding Salad, and it does look as if he might be just the right boy bunny to be Consort to My Royal Self. He is, after all, a Knight of the Berries, and has been inducted into the Order of the Golden Pellet. But I am keeping Mr. Stuffy handy, just in case.

Life is good. Thus ends the fifth part of the Royal Chronicles.



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