Teniente de Los Protectores - Nellie

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    Nellie was always a bold and independent girl. This former street urchin was found by Patricia in Dallas in 1998, at about 12 weeks of age. Nellie indicated her approval of her new circumstance by sitting proudly and alertly in the front seat of the car all the way home, and she made it clear to Gloria that she was here to stay. She was immediately adopted and raised by Patricia's aged Siberian Husky, Lady (who apparently had always wanted a puppy of her own).
    Nellie as a full-grown dog retained many of her rescued-puppy traits: she was always proud, edgy, and cock-sure of herself and her place in the world. She was very energetic, enjoyed car rides (weather permitting), and she loved a good game of tag. Pal adored her, the little girls respected her (mostly), and she ruled all within her domain with an iron paw in a velvet glove.
    Our darling Nellie, Teniente de Los Protectores Reales, died in February, 2005. She passed quietly at home in Patricia's arms after a lengthy illness. Her fine, audacious spirit will be greatly missed.


I am wonderful!

What a day!

The end of a hard day of playing in the snow.

"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen." 
- John Steinbeck 

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