Tacara's Rose Royal Paladin, Gloria's Belgian Tervuren Service Dog, is well named.
From the first moment he saw her, he chose Gloria to be his companion. Out of a pen of gorgeous male pups, he alone came and
snuggled next to Gloria's leg and just waited until she realized that he was the one.
First a show dog, who nearly completed his championship, he became a working Service Dog when Gloria
fell from a ladder and was then diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Syndrome. He has his CGC from the AKC, and has taken advanced
obedience training with Terri Wilson. He and Gloria are a recognized team by the IAADP and have worked together for three
His work allows Gloria to go places and do things she wouldn't otherwise be able to do. In May of
2004, he accompanied Gloria and her family to Washington, D.C. for the dedication of the World War II Memorial. Although he
had flown before, he had never ridden escalators, subways, or open trams, but - whatever new experience was offered to
him he accomplished it with his usual dignity and grace.