The Princess' Ladies-in Waiting - Gloria and Patricia

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     Patricia and Gloria have been best friends and roommates for nearly 25 years. In that time they have both been married and divorced (just moved the husbands in - and out - of the house), changed jobs, changed interests, and changed their hairstyles - but their friendship has stayed the constant and permanent rock in both their lives.
     In 2001 Gloria was diagnosed with FMS. At the time she was a graduate student in neuroscience at the University of North Texas. Since Patricia telecommutes, it was an easy decision to just move the household to north central Oklahoma where Gloria's father, sister, and nephews live. They had both loved the small town for many years - and both were sick of city life. They are still in love with the small town 4 years later and plan never to live in a big city again.

"Mosaic" - Best in Show in 2003

     In addition to her "regular" job, Patricia is an up and coming fiber artist. She knits, crochets, and weaves gorgeous shawls and other lovely things out of the yarn Gloria spins for her. She finds this to be a wonderful contrast to her work as a technical writer for a large software firm.
     Patricia is beginning to design patterns of her own and is a consistent winner at the local county free fair as well as the Tulsa State Fair. Last year she won Best in Show for one of her hand-woven shawls, in addition to several blue ribbons for other projects. In 2004 she won both local, state, and international awards for her work.


     Gloria's health has caused her to take a long sabbatical from her graduate career and has made her re-assess the course her life is taking. As John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans."
     For now she is a burgeoning fiber artist who spins, dyes, felts, and weaves in the Navajo way. She loves working with her hands in this way, and is grateful for this chance to re-invent herself yet again.

Gloria and a week-old Navajo-Churro lamb

     It was quite cold in the middle of February when the first lambs 2004 were born at Claudia and Linda's farm in Claremore. Gloria and Patricia were thrilled to hear that the first two were twin ewe lambs and jumped straight into the car to go see them.  These two pictures show the gals' delight.

Patricia and the second twin

     Gloria and Patricia were originally half-owners in this flock of rare Navajo-Churro sheep. They still get first choice of all the gorgeous fleeces. Their friend Claudia now is sole owner and takes care of them all. She does a fantastic job.

Click on picture to learn more about Navajo-Churro sheep

If you would like to learn more about Patricia and Gloria's fiber-arts business, Tres Hermanas Wool Works, click on the picture below:


"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen." 
- John Steinbeck 

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